Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back on my grind.

Dam this recession is depressing. 600,000 more people jobless. Even with a job I feel jobless haha but it's better than nothing! Aside from this depressing news I've freed up lots of time to catch up with friends and connect with everyone I need to. That's been great and I've also gotten a bitter taste of life. Jan-Apr has been HELL.

I've done a lot of thinking too.

I'm bored tho. I miss my art and I miss splurging on myself and the folks that bring a smile I my face. I need to get back on the grind. Make some bread!
And I also need to rid of these negative people still stuck in my head. You know who u are ---
Lately it's been hard to crack a smile. See the bright side but shit I gotta stay up and keep doing me.

Late. I'm going back on my grind.

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