Sunday, April 5, 2009

Where are you yeezy?

SOooooo this weekend was pretty crazy for me. I made a solo journey to SF to camp out for the AIR YEEZYS! I gotta say by far my best pickup in a while! My trip started Friday at 10am. With the lightrail and CALtrain, I landed in SF at around noon. I walked over to NIKETOWN to see if there was anyone camping yet and to my surprise, they were all full!! Nike passed out wristbands to the first 21 happy campers and with my luck i was number 22.FML. NO worries because i didnt even plan on camping there anyways. I made my way to DARKSIDE where i was greeted by the first 9 campers. No.10 baby!!

I learned that the first four guys started there camp at 5pm THURSDAY!!! all the way form UC DAVIS! those guys are definetly nuts fareals. soo there it began. 12;45 friday afternooon i hung out at darkside until saturday 11am. Let me just say, SF nights are not friendly. It hit 45 degrees on top of the wind, it was freeeeEEezing!! But it was well worth the trip. Darkside ended up charging well below the neighboring stores. Great group of folks there, very easy to talk to and in the morning they brought us water and donuts!

So time for the good stuff!! I lucked out and walked away with two pairs!! wanna know how? One inexperienced hypebeast didnt even bring enough money, so i made him buy my pair! LOLZ!!

Fresh as hell and extremely comfortableee!
ayo rich come get ur pair!!!


  1. hahaha youre such a dork. let's camp out for loooweeys

  2. that's what i'm talkin bout!!! thanks for hooking me up, if you can trade for a 10 that would greatly be appreciative and save me a lotta hassle. if not, we cool. thanks again for hooking me up!!!
